Shhh, Harry! You’re white.
Shhh, Harry! You’re white.

I never saw myself writing a post about Harry Styles, but here I am, writing a post about Harry f-ing Styles. Well, it is not really about him, per se; it is about what is going on around him, and the significance it has on our society. I know most of you who will be gracious enough to read this post probably do not care about Styles, or any other mainstream artist that is not singing about beer and pick up trucks while falling in love by a river and thanking God that there is beer and a pick up and a river and whatever else your typical country song is about (that run-on was on purpose). I ask, however, that you momentarily set aside your distaste for today’s entertainment industry, and focus on what matters: the condemnation of a person who said something while having the “wrong” skin color.

A bit of backstory: Harry Styles is an English dude that grew up in a small village called Holmes Chapel. According to the latest census in the UK, this village has a population of 5000 to 6000 people, and the median income would be considered right around middle class. When he was a teenager, he got a job, like teenagers used to do back in the day; he worked at a bakery and used his earnings to help his mom pay the bills. Nothing wrong with that. One day in 2010, little Harry decides he is going to audition for a somewhat famous talent show called X Factor UK. From what I understand, the audition did not go too well, so he did not get very far. However, he had made enough of an impression that he was later brought back to the show to join a boy band (because the world does not have enough boy bands); this group of teenage boys would come to be known as One Direction; and if you are a “cis white male” who had a wife or girlfriend in the 2010s, there is little to no chance you did not hear of them. After some time passed, and the typical drama that seems to hit most boy bands came about, they split up, and Styles went off to do his own thing.

Fast forward to the Grammy Awards of 2023. Styles wins the prestigious “Album of the Year” award. As he is walking up to receive this award, some jackass in the audience yells “Beyoncé!” Do you recall back when Kanye West infamously interrupted the poor and helpless Taylor Swift to say Beyoncé should have won whatever award Swift got? Yeah, it was not as epic as that, since the jackass who heckled Styles this time around was just a “journalist” screaming from his seat.

Kanye West interrupts Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech at the 2009 MTV Music Awards

So Styles is giving his little thank you speech, and closes it by saying: “This doesn’t happen to people like me very often.” We have now arrived at the problem; or at least it is a problem for the feckless woke crowd. Apparently, because Styles has committed the great sin of being male, and white, and rich, he is not allowed to say certain things, like “This doesn’t happen to people like me very often.” This crop of young idiots have been conditioned to believe that white people, men in particular, are privileged and have nothing to complain about.

The typical cries of racism and white privilege ensued. How dare a “cis white male” claim that this does not happen very often to “cis white males?!” After all, “cis white males” have won this award 32 times, right? So maybe Harry Styles should just shut the f- up, refuse the award, and bestow it upon its rightful recipient, Beyoncé, right? Wrong!

The idiotic woke twerps, once again, display their own racism while accusing others of being racist. Instead of just taking Styles’s statement for what it is worth, they have to inject race and other identity issues into it. His statement had nothing to do with race or privilege. As I mentioned earlier, Styles did not come from an affluent family. He was initially rejected at a talent show. Where would he be now if he had not been called back? Would anyone outside of his family know who Harry Styles is? And unless you follow these types of shows like your life depends on it (and sadly, there are people who do just that), you would be hard pressed to name 10 artists off the top of your head that were discovered in this manner, and have received these types of awards. So no, this does not happen very often to anyone.

Perhaps, and I am just spit balling here, Styles is exhibiting a bit of humility—a trait that seems to have become far too rare these days—by realizing just how lucky he is to have the career he has. All of us dream of being famous in one way or another. I will call you a liar if you claim you have never fantasized about being an athlete, or an actor, or singer; of striking it rich and living in a big mansion, and being able to go on vacation on a whim. Out of the billions of people on this planet, how many are actually rich and famous and all that? Not very many. So whether you are white, black, brown, or whatever shade in between, your chances of having a defining moment that will land you into the career of your dreams are low.

While we may think that the people in the entertainment industry have done this to themselves, and they have, it is important to remember that the infection of censorship is spreading everywhere. We must call it out whenever it rears its ugly head, even when—especially when—it is happening to someone we may not particularly care about or like very much, in order to stamp it out. The freedom to be able to express how we feel at any given moment is important; in fact, it is a God-given right. Regardless of what skin color we each bare, our ability to communicate must not be stifled by pettiness and hate.

According to the woke twerps, however, white people (men in particular) have been handed everything, have not had to work hard for what they have, and should be aware of their privilege at all times, whatever that means. They fail to see the unfunny irony in their world view. They ascribe an untrue stereotype to a group of people because of their race. At best, this makes the woke a bunch bigoted jackasses, at worse it makes them racist jackasses. Either way, they are jackasses, but a plain jackass may be suffered better than a racist one.

In the end, Styles did nothing wrong by saying what he said. Even if it had been an insensitive thing to say (which only a spineless would-be tyrant racist jackass would think it is), he has a right to say it. If you do not like his music, like I do not, then do not listen to his stuff… if you can help it—when you have a wife who is a fan of his, it is kind of hard not to. If you feel slighted because your favorite artist, who was also up for the award, did not get it, then do yourself a favor and do not take it so personally. Beyoncé has not, so why are you?