After what has felt like an eternity, I finally have my new blog up and running! I was previously using Google’s Blogger to make my posts, but after seeing how much Google interferes with our freedoms, I did not think it was proper to keep using their platform. So I stopped.

I am now using a different host and different blog manager, which also afforded me the ability to use a custom theme. Well, Blogger let me use a theme, too, but after doing some research, I found that generating a theme for Blogger was a bit of a pain, so strike 2 for Blogger. The CMS I am using now is much more flexible with themes. In fact, I designed the theme myself. It may not look as “sleek” as some other sites, but at least it is mine. This way, I do not have to worry about a theme designer being mad that a “right-wing extremist terrorist racist homo-phobe trans-phobe meat-eating sys-male” is using his/her work. This way, I avoid that headache. As a bonus, I learned some coding techniques.

For me, coding up HTML, CSS, and Javascript is a bit of a hobby. I am not a “front-end dev” or anything, but I know my way around. At least enough to be able to design a theme for the CMS I am using. It is not finished yet, but at least it is complete enough that I can begin posting again.

I will be opening up subscriptions to my blog in the near future. Right now I am testing out an IP geo location system to ensure that people visiting from outside the United States are under no illusion that I care about their lack of a First Amendment. If they want to view the content on this site, they will have to agree to not be a bunch of sissies. Once I have that sorted out, I will open up registration, which will allow you to comment on my posts if you wish.

My goal is to write new content at least once a week (actually, more like once a day), and I will be sharing the links primarily on Clouthub and Truth Social, so be sure to follow me there.

So, this should be sufficient for a first post.